Glass Fibre Europe welcomes a new member
FYSOL SAS joins Glass Fibre Europe
Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) and E-PRTR recast
The glass industry adopted a joint position on the European Commission proposals to reform the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) and E-PRTR.
The European Commission aknowledges the need for continuous gas supply to the glass industry
The glass industry calls on the national authorities to include their installations in the National Gas Security of Supply Emergency Plans as « critical non-protected customer »
The EU ETS Reform: Make the Framework Conducive for the Industry Transformation
Today, the glass sectors adopted a joint position on the reform of the EU ETS. The position paper stresses the need to make use of the reform to preserve the industry capacity to innovate and invest.
Security of Energy Supply to the European Glass Fibre Industry
Glass Fibre Europe calls on the authorities to include in the energy contingency plans the continuous supply of energy to the Continuous Filament Glass Fibre installations and to consult the manufacturers in case of potential energy shortages
European industrial energy consumers call for a dialogue and pragmatic actions on energy security
Joint letter from the industrial enery consumers to the European decision-makers
Industrial energy consumers urge EU leaders to swiftly act against unbearably high energy prices
The energy-intensive industries call upon EU leaders to swiftly address the exponential increase in energy prices
Continuous Filament Glass Fibre and Human Health
Glass Fibre Europe published on its website an updated version of its report on “Continuous Filament Glass Fibre and Human Health”
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) : the Glass sectors’ recommendations
Glass Alliance Europe adopted a new position paper on the future CBAM
Continuous Filament Glass Fibre products meet the definition of Article in international chemical regulations
Glass Fibre Europe released a report on the status of Continuous Filament Glass Fibre (CFGF) products under selected international chemical regulations