Industrial Emissions Directive

Policy areas / Environment & Chemical Regulations / Industrial Emissions Directive

Industrial Emissions Directive

The glass fibre industry is committed to comply with the applicable emission limits as well as to continuously improve its environmental performance.


The industrial emission directive (IED) is the main EU instrument regulating emissions from industrial installations. The IED aims to high levels of protection of human health and the environment by reducing harmful industrial emissions across the EU, in particular through application of Best Available Techniques (BAT). The IED is currently under revision.

Why is it important

The glass fibre installations are covered by the IED and operate under a permit (granted by the authorities in the Member States). Emission limits are set according the performance defined by Best Available Techniques Reference Document (BREF) for manufacturing glass.

Our view

The industry calls on the legislator to consider the following points when reviewing the directive:

  • To keep the ranges in BAT-AELs to reflect the variations in performances of individual installations when the same technology is applied.
  • To prevent the introduction of measures causing concerns regarding the confidentiality of business information.

Supporting documents