Policy areas / Health & Safety / COVID-19


6 to 12 months = the minimum normal
lead times to repair or rebuilt an
installation that was stopp

In brief

States and municipalities across Europe are responding to the COVID-19 crisis by issuing, and frequently revising, emergency orders and/or guidance that may threaten the ability of the glass fibre industry to operate and aid in the response to COVID-19.

Why is it important

Glass fibre manufacturing is a continuous process which requires the presence of workers on site. Unlike many industrial processes, glass manufacturing is not suitable to intermittent operation. Shutting down the installations would irreversibly damage the furnace and create disruption on key value chains for months.

Our view

In view of the important role of the glass fibre industry and the need to maintain a continuous industrial activity to preserve the furnace and industrial tool, Glass Fibre Europe calls on the authorities:
  • To include glass fibre manufacturing in the list of “essential businesses”.
  • To list workers on glass fibre manufacturing sites as “essential workers.
  • Supporting documents