The glass industry adopted a joint position on the European Commission proposals to reform the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) and E-PRTR.
The glass installations are covered by the IED and are required to operate in accordance with a permit (granted by the authorities in the Member States). The industry is also covered by the Best Available Techniques Reference Document (BREF) for the manufacture of glass.
Glass Alliance Europe appreciates that the European Commission is considering how the Industrial Emissions Directive could contribute to the green transition and transformation of the industry. However, the glass industry considers that some of the proposed measures go against the proportionality and/or subsidiarity principles and raise serious concerns regarding their compatibility with competition rules and confidentiality of business information.
The glass fibre industry calls on the legislator to pay particular attention to the following points when reviewing the directive:
- To keep the ranges in BAT-AELs to reflect the variations in performances of individual installations when the same technology is applied.
- To prevent the introduction of measures causing concerns regarding the confidentiality of business information.