Net-Zero Industry Act
Glass Fibre Europe reaction to the publication of the Net-Zero Industry Act
A Green Deal Industrial Plan
Glass Fibre Europe calls for measures to bolster the resilience of entire value chains
Glass makers and stakeholders mark 2022 UN international Year of Glass
Glass Fibre Europe took part to Glass Alliance Europe event “Glass, the hidden gem of a carbon-neutral future”
COVID-19: glass fibre manufacturing is an essential industrial activity
Glass Fibre Europe adopted a position paper to stress the need to ensure the presence of workers on site and the critical role of its production
Masterplan for a competitive transformation of EU energy-intensive industries (EIIs)
The High-Level Group on Energy-intensive industries adopted a “Masterplan for a Competitive Transformation of EU Energy-intensive Industries”
European industries unite to call for an ambitious EU industrial strategy
Industry4Europe, a coalition of 149 sector Associations, published its new Joint Paper ‘A long-term strategy for Europe’s industrial future: from words to action’ with cross-sectoral recommendations to the future EU industrial strategy.